Why Organization is Important for Your Health?

Are you overwhelmed? Do you have clutter in your living space? Do you get frustrated seeing the amount of disarray? Do you want a calm peaceful home or business environment to enjoy? Are you inefficient due to the disorganization all around you? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are that your health is suffering with the lack of organization in your life. You lose valuable time with the chaos of clutter. You can immediately reduce stress by operating in a functional space.

Here are reasons why organization is can be important for your health:

Reduce Stress, Depression and Fatigue

“A study conducted from Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found people with cluttered homes, or homes filled with unfinished projects, were more depressed, fatigued and had higher cortisol levels than their counterparts who described their homes as restful and restorative. For those who aren’t aware, cortisol is the body’s stress hormone — so when that goes up, our feelings of stress are amplified. Surely, none of us want that. Based on the study, if we want to prevent these negative effects, we should strive to keep our homes organized,” reports Shape.com. 

Energy Boost

WebMD states that “getting organized has the ability to give you that much needed energy boost. If you’re feeling a slight slump in your day and can’t seem to shake it, try taking a few minutes to organize your space. Taking this time to get yourself organized can help you to life more energetically for the rest of the day”.

Lose Weight

Today.com states that “according to the study reported on by The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, people with messy or cluttered homes are 77 percent more likely to be overweight or obese. Organizing guru Peter Walsh, author of Cut the Clutter, Drop the Pounds, has been inside of hundreds of people’s homes. He says once people finally get organized, they tend to experience a number of other unexpected perks, including weight loss, without strict dieting!” 

Better Sleep Habits

“Clutter in your bedroom can be stressful to you, even if you don’t realize it, causing you to lose out on precious sleep. To combat it, use this spring-cleaning time of year to overhaul your room and organize it in a neat and clutter-free manner,” according to Huffington Post.

Shape explains “less mess equals less stress, which naturally results in better sleep. But keeping your bedroom neat may benefit your slumber in other ways: People who make their beds every morning are 19 percent more likely to report regularly getting a good nights’ rest, and 75 percent of people said they got a better night’s sleep when their sheets were fresh and clean because they were physically more comfortable, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. In addition to fluffing your pillows and washing your sheets, these experts recommend staying organized up until bedtime: Chaos throughout your day can lead you to bring last-minute tasks—such as paying bills and writing e-mails—into your bedroom. This can cause you to stay up longer and make it more difficult to nod off. A more organized life can help you make your bedroom a sanctuary for rest”.

Get Organized Today

Are you ready to improve your health? Say yes, and get started today to organize your home:

  • Master Bedroom Closets
  • Kids Closets
  • Entertainment / Media Center
  • Home Office
  • Kitchen and Pantry
  • Laundry Room
  • Garage Storage
  • Bathroom Linen closets
  • Storage solutions around the home

Hire a Professional

Consider hiring a professional organizer to perform a needs assessment to help whip your home or office into shape. They can help you figure your needs and desires. They can help you with function and design. They’ll make a complete list of your inventory, measuring and surveying every inch of both your existing space and the items to be stored.

To schedule your transformative design consultation with an expert on space-saving home solutions from Southern Closet Systems, residents of New Tampa, Brandon, East Lake, Madeira Beach, or any of the surrounding areas can contact us today.

Contact Us

In business since 1983, Southern Closet Systems was the first custom closet company ever to serve the Tampa area. From our factory and showroom in Odessa, Florida, we’ve assisted thousands of clients from Crystal River to Tierra Verde with our custom closet designs, storage cabinets, shelving and other accessories.

Give us a call today to make an appointment at 727-447-7227 (in Pinellas), 813-926-9348 (in Pasco) and 813-855-2255 (in Hillsborough) or send us an email.