There are No Basements in Florida We Need More Storage!

Are you new to Florida? As you have probably have noticed by now that we don’t have basements in Florida. Do you know why?

Why are there no basements in Tampa Bay?

The main reason that Tampa Bay does not have basements is damp soil. Since Tampa Bay is coastal, swamp land and/or wetland territory, we have too much water in the ground to make a basement feasible. When the water table is less than a meter under the ground, the requisite eight or more feet of depth for a basement is simply not possible.

What does that mean to you?

We don’t have the extra storage space that our friends in the north have with their basements so we have to get clever with maximizing our storage space.

Where do we put our extra items that we need to be stored?

Have you thought of putting things up and out of the way? 

Overhead garage storage systems

Overhead garage storage systems are an ideal solution for getting your things off of the floor and out of sight. 

Overhead garage storage is an ideal way for homeowners in Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg to make the most of the vertical space in their garages. However, in order for this organizational solution to truly save space and maximize every last square inch, it must be designed and installed by professionals. At Southern Closet Systems, we are experts at creating custom storage systems that are suited to the exact dimensions of any garage so Florida homeowners can take full advantage of this additional space.

The overhead storage systems we design are guaranteed to be highly durable and secure. From shelving to hanging ceiling racks, there are a variety of space-saving solutions that can make your garage more functional. Our heavy-duty overhead garage storage systems are perfect for storing:

  • Suitcases
  • Seasonal items
  • Sports equipment
  • Gardening implements
  • Tools
  • And more

With everything neatly stored overhead, your garage will achieve the clean, finished look you’ve always wanted.


There are many benefits to adding overhead storage in your garage.

Over garage doors

Place your storage items in all of that unused space on your ceiling or over your garage doors.

Creates floor space

Overhead garage storage racks will get all of your things off of the floor, so you can park your car inside.

Out of sight

When you use our overhead garage storage racks, your belongings will be out of sight.

Out of reach

With everything up high, there’s no need to worry about the safety of your kids and pets.

Custom designs

In addition to high-performance suspended storage racks, Southern Closet can design garage cabinets, shelving, work benches, work tables, slat wall storage systems, and a variety of other garage storage solutions to help keep you organized. 

To schedule a consultation with a professional overhead garage storage designer from Southern Closet Systems, residents of New Tampa, Brandon, East Lake, Madeira Beach, or any of the surrounding areas can contact us today.

Contact Us

In business since 1983, Southern Closet Systems was the first custom closet company ever to serve the Tampa area. From our factory and showroom in Odessa, Florida, we’ve assisted thousands of clients from Crystal River to Tierra Verde with our custom closet designs, storage cabinets, shelving and other accessories.

Give us a call today to make an appointment at 727-447-7227 (in Pinellas), 813-926-9348 (in Pasco) and 813-855-2255 (in Hillsborough) or send us an email.